Oven, The | GuitarCurriculum
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Oven, The

United Arab Emirates
Trad. from the United Arab Emirates

Michael Joseph Sorenson teaches at the Genelg School of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. His efforts led to the creation of some arrangements of traditional Emirati songs for guitarcurriculum.com. Michael also enlisted help from Maadal Alfandi Mazrouei, student supervisor at the Genelg School of Abu Dhabi

Have students learn each part as one group (the whole class learns the Guitar 1, then the Guitar 2, then Guitar 3). The ossia measures offer more complex rhythms for students who are ready for an extra challenge. Rather than getting too bogged down in the written aspects of the music, provide an accurate model for students to imitate.

This lullaby acknowledges the interconnected nature of items that might seem unrelated at first.

The Oven needs wood to start the fire
And the wood is on the tree
The tree needs to be cut with a saw
The saw is with the woodsman
The woodsman needs money
The money is with the mother
The mother has a baby boy
The baby’s name is Sanad
And Sanad needs milk
The milk is with the cow
The cow needs grass
The grass needs the rain
The rain comes from the heavens. 

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